Chapter 12 Geocoding in R

12.1 About geocoding

Geocoding allows us to find coordinates for a data point (or vice versa). For instance, if we have the street address of an asset/object we can use geocoding to find the latitude and longitude. Similarly, if we have the lat and lon, we can find the street address. This allows us to turn ‘boring’ address data into a spatial data point.

This makes geocoding immensely useful when trying to find the ‘catchments’ around a particular asset/object. It’s also handy in visualising location based data on a map.

To find the lat and long for an address - we have to find someone with a massive database of addresses and coordinates. Unsurprisingly, Google (through their Google Maps team) has this data.

We can ping Google’s data base through an API (they charge a ‘freemium’ model) to find the data we need.

Further reading

12.2 Introducing the dataset

Approved speed camera locations in Victoria, Australia are publicly available through the government website. We can download the dataset as a spreadsheet.

Note: this dataset does not have street numbers - only street names. This makes intuitive sense (as most speed cameras aren’t placed outside residential houses, but rather along main roads). However, it will cause some niche issues in the geocoding process.

12.3 Data cleaning

First, we start by installing and loading up some packages.

#Loads the required required packages
pacman::p_load(ggmap, tmaptools, RCurl, jsonlite, tidyverse, leaflet, writexl, readr, readxl, sf, mapview, webshot,rgdal, tinytex)

#Make sure the HTML works

Next, we import the data as a CSV.

We can see that the street and suburb names are in different columns. To run a geocode, we want a single field of address data. Let’s combine the street name and the suburb name into a single field.

We know all these addresses are in Australia, so we can add the word ‘Australia’ to the end of each entry in the newly created address field to help the geocoder find the location.

We think all these addresses are in the state of Victoria… however let’s not at the state in at this stage (we can see why later).

#Read in spreadsheet
url <- ''

#Note: We need to import as a csv rather than xlsx for url functionality
camera_address <- read.csv(url, header=TRUE)

#Fix the column labels
camera_address <- janitor::row_to_names(camera_address,1)

#Convert the suburb column to title case
camera_address$SUBURB <- str_to_title(camera_address$SUBURB)

#Concatenate the two fields into a single address field
camera_address$ADDRESS <- paste(camera_address$LOCATION,
                                sep=", ")

#Add in Australia to the address field just to idiot proof the df
camera_address$ADDRESS <- paste(camera_address$ADDRESS, ", Australia", sep="")

#Preview the data
##           LOCATION            SUBURB Reason Code Audit Date
## 2        Abey Road        Cobblebank         BCD     May-22
## 3      Adam Street     Golden Square         ACD     Apr-22
## 4        Agar Road       Coronet Bay          BC          T
## 5    Airport Drive Melbourne Airport        ABCD     Apr-22
## 6 Aitken Boulevard     Roxburgh Park         ABC     Apr-22
## 7 Aitken Boulevard       Craigieburn        ABCD     Apr-22
##                                       ADDRESS
## 2            Abey Road, Cobblebank, Australia
## 3       Adam Street, Golden Square, Australia
## 4           Agar Road, Coronet Bay, Australia
## 5 Airport Drive, Melbourne Airport, Australia
## 6  Aitken Boulevard, Roxburgh Park, Australia
## 7    Aitken Boulevard, Craigieburn, Australia

12.4 Running the geocode

Now that we have a useful address field, we’re ready to run the geocode.

We can geocode the lats and lons using the Google API through ggmap package.

  • We must register a API key (by creating an account in the google developer suite).

  • You can ping the API 2,500 times a day. Lucky for us this dataset is only 1,800 rows long!

Uncomment the chunk below (using Ctrl+Shift+C) and enter your unique key from google to run the code.

# #Input the google API key
# register_google(key = "PASTE YOUR UNIQUE KEY HERE")
# #Run the geocode function from ggmap package
# camera_ggmap <- ggmap::geocode(location = camera_address$ADDRESS,
#                          output = "more",
#                          source = "google")
# #We'll bind the newly created address columns to the original df
# camera_ggmap <- cbind(camera_address, camera_ggmap)
# #Print the results
# head(camera_ggmap)
# #Write the data to a df
# readr::write_csv(camera_ggmap,"C:/Data/camera_geocoded.csv")

We’ll load up the output this chunk generates and continue.

url <- ''

#Note: We need to import as a csv rather than xlsx for url functionality
camera_ggmap <- read.csv(url, header=TRUE)

12.5 From geocode to shapefile

The raw dataset our geocode produced looks good! Although… it could probably use some cleaning.

Let’s rename this dataset so we don’t loose the original df (and therefore have to run the google query again). This is simply a best practice step to build in some redundancy.

camera_geocoded <- camera_ggmap
#Rename the API generated address field
camera_geocoded_clean <- camera_geocoded %>% dplyr::rename(address_long=address)

#Select only the columns we need
camera_geocoded_clean <- camera_geocoded_clean %>% 

#Make all the column names the same format
camera_geocoded_clean <- janitor::clean_names(camera_geocoded_clean)

#We still need to convert address_long to title case
camera_geocoded_clean$address_long <- str_to_title(camera_geocoded_clean$address_long)

If we want to go one step further, we can create spatial points from this list of coordinates. This is a good step for eyeballing the data. We see most of it is in Victoria (as expected!)… but it has picked up a couple of points in Sydney and WA.

These are worth investigating seperately for correction or exclusion.

#Convert data frame to sf object
camera_points <- sf::st_as_sf(x = camera_geocoded_clean, 
                               coords = c("lon", "lat"),
                               crs = "+proj=longlat 

#Plot an interactive map

We can export these points as a shapefile using the rgdal package.

#Write the points to a shapefile for use in QGIS
#sf::st_write(camera_points, "C:/Data/camera_points.shp")

Let’s now have a look at our edge case datapoints.

There’s a couple of ways to do this… but one of the simplest is to extract the postcode as a separate field. We can then simply sort by postcodes that do not start with the number 3.

camera_points$postcode <- str_sub(camera_points$address_long, 
                                   start= -16,  
                                   end= -12)

camera_points$postcode <- as.numeric(camera_points$postcode)

outliers <- camera_points %>% filter (postcode <3000 | postcode >= 4000)

## Simple feature collection with 7 features and 5 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 115.9555 ymin: -33.90941 xmax: 152.7034 ymax: -25.53849
## CRS:           +proj=longlat 
##                                       +datum=WGS84 
##                                       +ellps=WGS84 
##                                       +towgs84=0,0,0
##                    location     suburb
## 1               Epping Road     Epping
## 2               High Street     Epping
## 3           Kensington Road Kensington
## 4          Maryborough Road      Ascot
## 5 Maryborough-Ballarat Road     Talbot
## 6  Mooroopna-Murchison Road  Murchison
## 7             Plumpton Road   Plumpton
##                                          address
## 1                 Epping Road, Epping, Australia
## 2                 High Street, Epping, Australia
## 3         Kensington Road, Kensington, Australia
## 4             Maryborough Road, Ascot, Australia
## 5   Maryborough-Ballarat Road, Talbot, Australia
## 6 Mooroopna-Murchison Road, Murchison, Australia
## 7             Plumpton Road, Plumpton, Australia
##                                    address_long                   geometry
## 1         Epping Rd, Epping Nsw 2121, Australia POINT (151.0906 -33.77076)
## 2           High St, Epping Nsw 2121, Australia POINT (151.0836 -33.77611)
## 3 Kensington Rd, Kensington Nsw 2033, Australia POINT (151.2211 -33.90941)
## 4               Maryborough Qld 4650, Australia POINT (152.7034 -25.53849)
## 5               Maryborough Qld 4650, Australia POINT (152.7034 -25.53849)
## 6                  Murchison Wa 6630, Australia POINT (115.9555 -26.89259)
## 7     Plumpton Rd, Plumpton Nsw 2761, Australia POINT (150.8439 -33.74823)
##   postcode
## 1     2121
## 2     2121
## 3     2033
## 4     4650
## 5     4650
## 6     6630
## 7     2761

Easy enough. We see there’s 7 rows that don’t have a postcode starting in a 3000 postcode.

Four of these are in NSW, two in QLD, and one in WA. It looks like they are real (e.g. the streets and suburbs do exist in that state)… so for now let’s just exclude them from our dataset.

camera_points_vic <- camera_points %>% filter (postcode>"3000" & postcode<"4000")

#Plot an interactive map
#Write the points to a shapefile for use in QGIS
#sf::st_write(camera_points_vic, "C:/Data/camera_points_vic.shp")

There we go! A clean, geocoded dataset of speed camera locations in Victoria.